When Twitter plays a significant part in your social media marketing strategy, it’s vital that you make every tweet count. If your audience is particularly active on this medium, you’re going to want to work on engagement tactics and getting better results. To do this, you may need to get a better look at what’s going on. Enter Twitter analytics.

Twitter first introduced their analytics tool in 2014. It’s a free tool which can be easily accessed from any Twitter account by visiting https://analytics.twitter.com/. Since then, users are able to really get under the content that performs best and uncover how followers are interacting with each tweet. But even if you’re aware that Twitter Analytics exists, and you’ve used it, you may not be getting the most out of it.

Here are five of the most useful Twitter analytics features that you should be using.

Twitter Analytics Guide>

Interests of Twitter Isers

When you’re trying to think up new content to post on Twitter, you may have some great ideas that you think your audience will engage well with. But when they don’t, or the tweets don’t perform as well as you’d hoped, you can be at a loss. Until you look into your audience insights, that is.

Under the Audiences tab in Twitter analytics, you can access the audience insights section. This tells you what topics your followers are most interested in, occupation, gender and even their net worth.

Twitter analytics view demographic

Perhaps at first glance you don’t think this is all that useful.

But say you’ve previously been tweeting about technology, and then discover that the highest interest by percentage is business, you may want to think about changing the topic on some, or the majority of your tweets. Or, if you don’t want to fit your content to suit your demographics you can take the opposite approach and target the group of users you’d really like to have following you. This could mean pivoting an ad spend, taking time to hunt down more of your target audience or just using the analytics Audience tab to keep an eye on who is engaging with your content.

Twitter Analytics Events

The events tab is another section that you is often overlooked in your Twitter analytics profile. In this section, you’re going to be able to view a calendar that contains information on upcoming major events, holidays and hashtags that are seeing traction on Twitter. This could be halloween, or Christmas, but you’ll also find everything from sports to movie premieres too.

Events tab Twitter analytics

Alongside the events listed, you’ll see details and analytics behind that particular event. This can be anything from the amount of tweets that surround that particular topic, to the type of audience that’s talking about it.

By accessing this valuable data, you can then add popular topics to your Twitter content calendar. Tweeting about trending topics and events can be a great way to ensure that your social content is more relevant, effective and engaging.

Twitter Analytics Top Tweets

Another key section you should be looking to utilise within the Twitter analytics dashboard is the Top Tweet tabs. Your twitter analytics will give you access to insights frmthe previous 28 days. Alongside viewing your most recent tweets, you can also take a look at your top performing tweets.

Here, you can see the tweets that have generated the highest amount of impressions, engagements, and also view the engagement rate of each tweet.

Top tweets Twitter analytics

Using this data, you’ll be able to tailor your subsequent tweets to get the best results. Although you may need to test your tweet topics, content, and formats for a while, you should then start to understand the type of tweets your audience responds best to.

Twitter Analytics Data Export

For times when you want to be able to get more from your analytics, you’ve also got the option to export data. If you want to manipulate the data a little more, by say ordering columns by highest order, you can export the data from the Twitter API to a CSV file.

To do this, you will see a button to the right hand side of the dashboard that says “Export Data”. To tailor the information, you can choose the standard “last 28 days” option, select the past 7 days, or even go by full calendar month.

You can then go through the data in your own time to come to your own conclusions.

Top tip: if you want to view your tweets in order of most engagement, select a date range and click “Export data”. This will provide all of the tweets and engagement in an excel format which can be manipulated to show the most and least popular updates.

Twitter Video Analytics

Despite video being overly prioritised by nearly every social media algorithm, analytics on video updates can be hard to find. Twitter has now introduced analytics for videos in its native analytics platform. These can be found by clicking the “More” tab and then choosing “Videos (beta)”.

A good tip is to ensure you click on “View video details” beneath the post as this will open up lots more data to help you see how your video has performed.

Video views Twitter analytics

Through this, you can see not just how many times your video was viewed but also the completion rate (the number of people who watched your video the entire way through divided by how many started it). You can also see how your video performed over time and how many call to action clicks it led to. This is a great way of analysing the effectiveness of your video content and seeing whether the introduction and content was gripping enough for your users.

Twitter analytics – time to dig deep

Compared to not too long ago, Twitter’s native analytics platform has come a long way. It’s free and as we’ve seen above, it can give you some truly useful insight into your audience. Is it time you gave it a go?


Social Media Monitoring | Monitor Social Media | Twitter Search · January 6, 2019 at 8:44 pm

[…] determine how well your tweets perform, you could employ Twitter’s own analytics platform. Here, you can monitor your top tweets and view interactions such as impressions, engagements and […]

Twitter Tips 2018 | Learn Twitter in 2018 | Twitter Search · January 6, 2019 at 9:07 pm

[…] Twitter where you can dig deep into all of your past tweets and how they have performed. Here are 5 Twitter analytics features we think worth […]

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