"emily" Posts

Geolocation Returning Fewer Results

Search requests using our geolocation filter have recently been returning around 0-20 search results, rather than the usual 50 or 100.   Having investigated this issue further and spoken with other developers, we have found that unfortunately there is an issue with Twitter’s API returning location-based results. This means that when you setup a geolocation search, or […]


Twilert Introduces Whitelabelling

Our Agency plan has now become so popular amongst companies offering Twilert as a third party service, that we’ve introduced Whitelabelling. As an optional, complimentary addition to all new or current Agency packages, Whitelabelling is the tool that will add that extra special touch to Twilert email notifications.   What is Whitelabelling?   Whitelabelling involves […]


Boost Your Twitter CTR With Clever Timings

You’ve got the content side of things sussed and you’re generating really compelling, interesting content.. but why aren’t you receiving the CTR and engagement you deserve? Have you ever thought that maybe you’re just not quite on top of your Twitter timings? Research has found that there are specific times of the day/week that are […]


The 5 Biggest Twitter B2C Red Cards

Twitter is a brand’s social saviour and worst nightmare all at the same time. Whilst it’s a wonderfully powerful tool to help build, promote and establish your business, this can all also be very quickly picked apart by unhappy customers broadcasting their negative experiences for all to see.   A consumer may email or call […]