If you saw last week’s post, you’ll know how important it is for companies and brands to setup Twitter Search alerts as part of their lead-generation strategy.

To get you started, here are 5 searches and alerts that you can setup with Twilert today which will help you to generate instant leads from Twitter.

Twitter Search Alerts

Search Alert 1: Brand name

How many people do you think tweet about you or your brand without tagging the correct handle? Try replacing the example below with your company or product name and then try it out in the Twitter search bar. Next, you can set this up as a search alert in Twilert to ensure that you never miss a mention from someone trying to connect with you.

twitter handle OR “brand name” OR “common misspelling of brand name”

e.g. @tesco OR “tesco” OR “tessco”

Search Alert 2: Relevant hashtags

Hashtags are one of the fastest known routes to customers and industry influencers as they are only used by those in the know. Below is an example of a search alert you could setup to track popular hashtags if you were a social media agency. To personalise, create a Twilert that replaces the below hashtags with ones relevant to your industry:

#sm OR #smchat OR #marketingprofs

Search Alert 3: Location

For SMEs and individuals, the location operator is one of the most useful tools out there. Use the below template to find customers who are specifically looking for your product or service within the area you serve.

e.g. “mechanic” “recommend” near:london within:5km

Top Twip: if you find that your competitors are showing too often in your twitter search alerts you can exclude them by adding -@twitterhandle to the end of your search (e.g. “mechanic” “recommend” near:london within:5km -@billscars)

Search Alert 4: Competitor tracking

It’s good practise to keep an eye on the marketing activity of your competitors but wouldn’t you also like to know what customers say about them? With the below search query you can:

“Ryanair” OR “Ryan air” OR “#ryanair” -@ryanair

By looking for the company name but excluding the company’s own handle, you can potentially find new customers that are already interested in your service or industry.

Top Twitter Tip: add the negative sentiment operator 🙁 to find unhappy customers that you can rescue and make your own.

Search Alert 5: Questions

Make a list of questions you think a customer would use to find your product or service and then select the two or three main keywords which you could use in your Twitter searches. Try to refrain from using stop words such as “for” and “it” which could generate irrelevant results.

For example, if you’re a Steak Restaurant in London your question and query may look like the below:

Question: Where is there a good Steak Restaurant in London?

Twitter search alert: “Steak” “restaurant” “London” ?

You can then use this to connect personally with customers looking for your service in that area and potentially even offer them a special deal or incentive to get them through the door!

Top Twip: Set real-time results for the question search query in Twilert so that you can catch potential customers before anyone else.

So there you have it, 5 twitter search alerts you can setup in Twilert today which will help you to generate real leads from Twitter. If you need any more information or have questions on how to set these up specifically for your business then please get in contact with us, we’d love to hear from you!

Email Alerts via Twilert